The Nukk - HALF MOON BAY is a brand new Neighborhood Retail Plaza to be built 2021. Possession date to be determined. Approx 9000 SF of High End Retail Space available. 28 Parking Spots. Base Rent of $ 35 PSF. Addl. Rent Est. $ 14.00 PSF. Now accepting Expressions of Interest. Prime location with no retail establishment as of date within a few KM radii. Average HH income of over $ 135000 annually. One of the highest in the country. Double income families with high disposable incomes. Number of residents in the community - 76898. 55% of the neighborhood population within the age group of 20 - 54 years old. 88% Home ownership, 85% employed in the dominant professions of Finance, business and Administration occupations. Multi Cultural Environment. Complete Demographic report available. Demographic Information is obtained from Environics Analytics. Environics Analytics acquires and distributes Statistics Canada files in accordance with the Government of Canada's Open Data Policy.