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166朋友的一封信A letter from my friend 编辑于 2016-5-30 22:18
166朋友的一封信A letter from my friend
朋友的一封信A letter from my friend2007-02-01 08:49
{If you want to listen to the music in my article, please double click on the play key --And I swear my article worth while your reading!}
滾滾紅塵Mundane World of the Red Dust (in mandarin)
二零零七年二月一日 on Thursday cold wind Say my final farewell to this city and my dear friends here...在這座城市裏我親愛的朋友們,還有這所城市,道一聲最後的告別:"再會,別了!"......
<<朋友的一封信A letter from my friend>>
Hiya Jun,
I hope that you're feeling better after we talked right before you went to bed.After a good night's rest, I'm sure that you'll feel a little better.Sleeping in sure won't make you feel worse, that's for sure.
I hope that you felt at least a little tiny bit better after we talked today.I don't know though...you sounded pretty sad and I could hear you sobbing.I hope that I helped stop at least a few tears. Jun, your manager made a big mistake in letting you go.They won't realize it right away, but trust me they eventually will.
Before I was laid off from IBM,I survived about three or four rounds of layoffs.I used to work in a group of four M.E.S and slowly through the years there was just one left...me.Every single time that someone was laid off before me, the managers said that it was for the better to increase profits when there was a HUGE downturn in business here.
They went on and on about how cutting salaries was good for IBM and how the company would benefit in the long run.Well, guess what Jun? Every single time someone was laid off in my department, a few weeks later we'd *always* have problems because that person had immense knowledge of something that the rest of us IBMers didn't know much about.Thus, we'd be stuck!
The exact same thing happened to me when I was laid off.Shortly afterwards,I received an email from a co-worker saying that there were *huge* problems in the area that I used to work in.The systems that I knew like the back of my hand were giving them lots of headaches.Well gee...that wouldn't have been a problem *if* they didn't shut me the door! :-D
So I'll bet that the same thing will happen at your company when you're long gone Jun.The people there will have a problem with something and ask the remaining people what's wrong and why they can't fix it.The people left there will shake their heads and all say "Well, Jun knew all about that."
Then they'll appreciate you.
Just make sure that you keep your head held up high proudly Jun.I've been through the worst layoff imaginable, so I have some tips that you might want to think about.Do *not* sound bitter or sad about what happened when you talk to your former co-workers.People come and people go, but it's just business and that's how business works.Don't make it sound like you're overly happy or overly sad about what happened.When you go back to work to do your exit interview, clean out your desk, and say your final goodbyes, just make it seem like everything is fine and that you're moving on with your life.
Also, make sure that you collect contact information from your co-workers and ask them if it's OK to use them for references on your resume.Once you leave, you may not be able to contact them again, and though it might be a pain to admit it, they can help you get a job in the future if they're a good reference.For example, I know for a fact that my current boss contacted my references at IBM before my current company hired me.Having good references for later on is why you want to keep good relations and remain upbeat when you do your exit interview and say your final farewells.Those are just some tips that you might want to think about Jun.
Honestly Jun, one of the best things that *ever* happened to me was getting laid off by IBM.If I was still an IBMer, I never ever would have returned back to school to get my MSME degree and thus I never would have gotten my current job at current company that I *really* like.
So Jun, please *smile* for me and try to keep your spirits up.It may not be easy and in fact it wasn't for me for a little while after I was laid off, but in the end and looking back that happening to me was one of the best things that ever happened to me.You may find out the same thing will be true for you as well.
Just remember Jun, as I said earlier today, in the big picture of life it's not *that* huge of a deal and the sun will shine again...I promise.
Oh and Jun, since you won't be working, now might be a great time to seriously think about maybe coming to here to study. That is one of the visas that can be approved if you'd like to come here. If you want more information on that, just ask me and I'll go to the school and learn more about it for you and then send the information to you.There is a school near where I work so it's not a problem for me. Well...it's just something that you might want to think about and discuss with your parents.
I'll talk to you later Jun and remember to please just *smile* for me OK?It may not make *everything* better, but it sure won't hurt.
Bye cutie.
"謝謝你對我仁慈的安慰,讓我迅速地從最低穀中走出來, 謝謝你,我親愛的朋友......用我整個誠摯的心!"
"Thank you for your kind comfort to make me walk out from the lowest vale soon, thank you,my dear friend......with my whole sincere heart!"
(全文完,謝謝您的閱讀.The end,thank you for your reading.)
----原文來自我的博客:秋天裏憂鬱的一陣風....... http://rainseasoncomes.51.com |