本帖最后由 老村长 于 2021-9-25 19:55 编辑
继Kanata, Barrhaven及Orleans之后的大渥太华地区第四个崭新的卫星城正在规划中,取名"Tewin",由Algonquins of Ontario (AOO)和Taggart合作开发,用地由AOO从Government of Ontario购买。规划面积达445公顷,人口可达45,000人。
图一: The area where the Algonquins of Ontario and Taggart Group see building a new community from scratch has been looked at before. (www.tanakiwin.com)
图二:City councillors were shown this map at a meeting on Jan. 26, 2021, of the area where the Algonquins of Ontario propose building a community called Tewin. The areas in pink are owned by that group, and the dashed area are natural areas that would not be developed. (City of Ottawa)
(渥太华房子网 整理编辑;OttawaFangZi.com;信息主要来源: CBC NEWS) |