1. 在你的手机上打开Safari。
2. 在屏幕顶部的地址栏输入:OttawaFangZi.com,然后点击右下角的 “前往”。
3. 点击屏幕底部的“分享“图标 (方框里有个向上的箭头)。
4. 滑动列表,找到并点击“加入到手机屏幕“。
5. 你可以修改图标的名字,默认的是“渥太华房子网-首页“,你可以将其改为”OFZ”或“FangZi”, 然后点击屏幕右上角的”添加”。
6. 到现在为止,房子网的图标已经加入到你的手机屏幕上了,你可以将其拖动到屏幕任何一处你喜欢的位置。
Create a Link to OttawaFangZi.com on your Phone Home Screen
You can simply create a link to OttawaFangZi.com on your phone home screen. After that, you can click this created icon to access to OttawaFangZi.com. Take iPhone as an example, the steps are given below:
1. Launch Safari on your iPhone.
2. Navigate to OttawaFangZi.com
3. Tap the Share icon (the square with an arrow pointing out of it) at the bottom of the screen.
4. Scroll down to the list of actions and tap Add to Home Screen. (If you do not see the action, scroll to the bottom and tap Edit Actions, then tap Add next to the Add to Home Screen action. After that, you will be able to select it from the Share sheet.)
5. Type a name for this site link. You can take the default or change it to “OFZ”. Then tap Add in the top-right corner of the screen.
6. Your new “Web App” will appear in the next available space on your iPhone’s Home Screen. To move it like you would for any other App, tap and hold its icon, then tap Edit Home Screen, and you will be able to drag it to your desired location. When you have placed it where you want it, tap Done.
(渥太华房子网; OttawaFangZi.com)